Vážený pán premiér, dnes som si so sklamaním prečítal programové vyhlásenie vlády na obdobie 2020 – 2024. Moje obavy, že sa otázka elektronických volieb dostane z internetovej ankety až do parlamentu, sa stali realitou. Ja, ako softvérový inžinier, si veľmi zreteľne uvedomujem negatíva, ktoré by toto rozhodnutie prinieslo, a preto som sa rozhodol apelovať na […]
Yin-pda-core 1.1.2 & Yin-pda-lib 1.1.1
New maintenance releases of yin-pda-core and yin-pda-lib are available.
Yin pda library 1.1.0 available
Better late than never!
Yin pda core 1.1.1 released
Better late than never!
Yin-pda-core and yin-pda-lib 1.0.1 released
New maintenance releases of yin-pda-core and yin-pda-lib are available. Changelogs:
Piano Scale Master 1.0.3 released
V 1.0.3 includes these changes:
Piano Scale Master 1.0.2 released
V 1.0.2 includes these changes:
YIN pda app v0.6 released
The only externally visible change in this release is the translation of UI to english.
YIN PDA libraries available
The core of YIN pda app have been split and are now available on maven central and bitbucket for grabs!
YIN pda app v0.5 released
This version is based on a revamped core split into two new libs (yin-pda-core and yin-pda-lib) that should hit maven central shortly.